HOLY WEEK, March 24 – 31
Holy Week is the pivotal week that allows us to proclaim Christ as Lord and Savior. The hope of the world depends on the cross and the empty tomb….death and resurrection; we cannot separate the two – death without resurrection is despair; resurrection without first death is incomprehensible. The Worship Team and Pastor invites the church to fully live out this most Holy of Weeks before the watching world.
Sunday, March 24 PALM SUNDAY 11:00 service only
Come join the joyful band as we welcome Jesus to Jerusalem! We will gatherin front of the church and process in as the church bells ring out to the community. We will conclude the service with the celebration of Holy Communion.
Thursday, March 28 MAUNDY THURSDAY 7:00 p.m. service
On the night before he was betrayed, Jesus shared a meal with his disciples in the upper room, and then washed their feet. Listen to the Word. Respondwith the Meal. Bend down to wash one another’s feet (optional).
Friday, March 29 GOOD FRIDAY 7:00 p.m. service
On this darkest night of the year, we face the crucifixion of Jesus. Choir and other musicians will lead us in “Canticles of Lent.”
Sunday, March 31 EASTER SUNDAY
Sunrise Service of Discovery……..7:00 a.m.. in the cemetery
The Easter fire is lit, and we discover that the tomb is empty!
Service of Celebration and Communion 11:00am in sanctuary
Christ the Lord is Risen today, Alleluia!
The Easter Celebration continues for 50 days…join in jubilant celebration during the Sundays of Easter: April 7 through May 12.
secretary@mountbethelumc.umcchurches.org says
The reply box looks great on this page Toni!