Did you know that you can sponsor a child for $9 per week during the school year and $12.50 per week during the summer?
School Year Summer Months
$9.00 for a week $12.50 for a week
$36 for a month $50.00 for a month
Our Missions team would like to provide summer gift cards for the 16 children that we support weekly like we did last year. We purchased gift cards from Food Lion and delivered them to the school for the months of June, July and August. We may not be able to do this without your financial support.
A family with one child in the backpack program received a 50.00 gift card each summer month. A family with two children in the program received a 100.00 gift card. A family with three children in the program received a 150.00 gift card.
The Missions team will gladly do the grocery shopping for you !
If you feel led to help us please contact Cheryl Murphy @ 919-477-0164 or 919-801-3279 or you may turn in your donation to the church office and note as backpack mission.
Thank you for your continued support !!!