Greetings from Greenville, NC, where Adam Bock and I are representing you at this time of Holy Conferencing. I think I am speaking for both Adam and I that Conference is both exhausting and exhilarating.
We began the day in worship, singing the hymn that early Methodist circuit riders sang after a year of ministry and mission together in the field, as they came together to celebrate harvests and grieve losses. We will sing this hymn together this coming Sunday, “And Are We Yet Alive!” — yes, by God’s grace, we are!
Bishop Hope preached from the gospel of Matthew 9:10-13 and urged us to heed the words of Jesus to “Go and learn what this means…” What did it mean that Jesus was eating with tax collectors and sinners? What does it mean that Jesus crosses the street? Who does he meet there? Who do we meet there? The Bishop reminded us of the gospel imperative that calls us away from the center of the church to the fringes. We shared in Holy Communion together –over 2,000 lay and clergy leaders of the Church, including a large group of youth dressed in neon green shirts with the Conference theme for this year: Strength to Strength: GROW!
Adam attended the Executive Laity Session (he can tell you what happened there, if he would like!), and I attended the Executive Clergy Session, where we approved candidates for ministry, local pastors, those going on medical or family leave, and recognized those who were retiring. We also paused to give thanks for those among the clergy who have died this past year.
Bishop Hope encouraged each clergy person to focus on COMMUNICATION. We are, after all, communicators of the gospel, and we communicate that good news in various ways: through emails like this one, letters, our preaching and teaching, and how we live our lives in community. I urge each of us to think about what message our lives together communicates.
The afternoon session included necessary business of the church, and tonight, we will gather again for worship in celebration of vital congregations in the Conference and new church starts.
I am humbled to represent you at this Annual Conference as we work together to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
I give thanks to God for you, and pray that He will continue to do a good work in you.
In ministry together,
Pastor Grace