Scripture focus: Matthew 24:36, 42, 44
About that day and hour no one knows.
Therefore, keep awake,
for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming.
Be ready, for the Lord will come at an unexpected hour.
Prayer for the Week
Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
for the sake of the world that God loves, let us pray.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
We pray for peace in every nation –
that people will turn their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks
and study war no more.
Pray for the peace of the church.
We pray for peace in Christ’s Body –
put an end to fear and fighting
and help us to proclaim in word and action
the good news of salvation to all.
Pray for the peace of this community.
We pray for peace in this place –
for safety in our homes and streets,
for the prosperity of our neighbors,
and for the health of family and friends.
God of the future,
make us ready for the coming of your reign,
when you will bring everlasting peace
and renew the face of the earth;
make us by your grace agents of the coming Kingdom,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Questions for Reflection
Look around: where do you see Jesus?
If Jesus were to show up today, what would he find you doing?
Would he be pleased? Imagine the conversation you would have with Jesus.
Prayer taken from Feasting on the Word, Worship Companion, 2013.
READINGS for ADVENT 2: (re)Created by God: Isaiah 11:1-10; Ps. 72; Romans 15:4-13; Matt. 3:1-12