Dear Friends,
It was my privilege to meet one of our new Duke interns for breakfast in Durham at 7:00 this morning. I told him he would have big shoes to fill. How grateful we have been for Tori Hastings and Andrew Phillips!
Jeremy Richards is from the Pacific Northwest and comes to us from an interesting background. He grew up in what he refers to as a “conservative Baptist church.” His father was a leader in that congregation. He went to college at a Lutheran college, Concordia University. While in school he met his wife where both of them worked at a coffee shop.
He admits he is still working through his call to ministry to find exactly what God wants him to do, but he appreciates Duke Divinity School where he is finishing his first year. His wife is working at the Development Office at Duke.
We at Mt. Bethel are grateful that Washington Duke accepted the Lord Jesus right in our congregation. What a difference it has meant in the lives of thousands of people. We welcome Jeremy in the wonderful heritage of faith that the Duke family lived and embodied in their service to our Lord.
In Christ,
Bill Simpson