Dear Mt. Bethel family,
The emerging situation with the COVID-19 coronavirus and the many news reports around us are creating anxiety and worry for the future and our well-being. In times like these, it is especially important to remember God’s promise to be with us. He who made us, and gave his own Son for the salvation of the world, will not leave his children in this time of need.
He is with us as he invites our prayers. Prayer is not a last resort, but a loving promise from our Lord that he will hear us. Please join us in praying for those suffering from the coronavirus, those caring for the ill, those seeking a vaccine, and all others who serve in these times. Pray for those experiencing anxiety. And please know that we are praying for each of you.
In this time of crisis, each of God’s people might ask themselves, “How is God calling me to serve?” There will be many tangible needs in our communities. Prior to this outbreak, loneliness and isolation were serious problems in our nation. Social distancing, so very important now, will exacerbate these feelings. As Christians, we need to reach out in tangible ways to let our neighbors know that they are not alone.
As you are able, consider how God might be calling you to listen to others or speak a comforting word, to help provide food or necessities to those who are lacking, or to share other blessings with those who are struggling. A phone call can be very encouraging to those who are isolated. Consider writing letters and placing them in your neighbor’s mailboxes with your contact information. Encourage them to reach out if they need anything; dropping off extra supplies to an elderly person who was not able to prepare can be done safely.
In Christ,
Bill Simpson